Hüseyin Can
IT Manager

“We can solve our problems within MyAdmin, with just a few clicks, within minutes!”
Beyaz Fırın, which began its journey in 1800 and is one of the most valuable and well-established companies, met all their technical needs end-to-end with MyAdmin. They have not only strengthened their Turkish contents, but also increased their security awareness by 65% with gamifications. They also got 2% discount by switching to the new NCE model digitally in just a few clicks and completed their operational processes within minutes.
End-to-end technical inventory was acquired.
Hüseyin Can, who is the IT Specialist of Beyaz Fırın, answered the questions of our Marketing Executive, Mert Tüfekçioğlu, on the Microsoft Teams interview we have conducted. Beyaz Fırın, which has been using the Microsoft cloud services actively since the beginning, stated that they are incredibly happy to conduct trainings whenever they want in all their branches. Drawing attention to the lack of Turkish resources, Can highlighted that their job has become much easier now, thanks to MyAdmin.
Can stated that they can now reach all technical resources instantly thanks to the Support Center and continued: “During the launching of MyAdmin, what I loved the most was the support center because we had everything within an arm’s reach, from the technical documents to the trainings. Believe me, we had to open a ticket for the simplest question; now, with a few clicks, we can solve our problems within this panel within minutes.”
Transition to NCE was completed digitally.
After integrating the NCE (New Commerce Experience) model, which came into operation in January 2022, to MyAdmin, we have introduced this way of subscription with our customers and Beyaz Fırın was one of the first companies who made use of this opportunity. Beyaz Fırın, which has attended the digital roadmap program of “Transition to NCE” through MyAdmin, was able to reach all the information it may need in a noticeably short time.
Stating that they have transitioned to the NCE model within seconds digitally, Can have also mentioned that: “We were able to switch to the Microsoft’s new NCE model with a single click and completed our processes with a 2% discount.” He also expressed that they will use this discount as an invoice discount in the next billing period.
Training and development operations were accelerated.
Beyaz Fırın was one of the companies who benefitted from the workshops that are assigned by Microsoft, thanks to the Adaptation Center. They are able to view all the workshops of their company, analyze its transcriptions, and make better operational decisions, thanks to MyAdmin.
Stating that they are making use of all the technical inventories, from frequently asked questions to the trainings, Can also highlighted that workshops are highly significant: “As we are a company in the retail sector, instant solution to the problems is particularly important for us. We can monitor all of the trainings that are assigned to Beyaz Fırın by Microsoft. We can request these trainings and experience the products.” You can see the full interview that we have conducted with Beyaz Fırın below.